Specializing in Legal Firms

Our Services

attorneyAttorneyMegaSites.com is completely devoted to making your online presence a “one-call” and one-of-a-kind experience. From handling initial keyword analysis for your local area or practice, to design and creation of your site, and with our partners, ongoing search engine improvements and marketing services. Attorney mega sites is truly a one-of-a-kind operation.

Keyword analysis

Before putting out any type of website, it is imperative that a solid analysis is performed for the local area to see exactly what types of keywords are being used. These can be keywords that are being focused on by your competitors, or that are being searched actively in Google. However you may look at it, ranking for terms that no one searching for is a complete waste of time. When it comes down to it, it’s important that you let Google know as much as you can about your business and categories. Their is no good reason to not add keywords to your site!

Website Design

We are the first to tell you that having a knockout, gorgeous, expensive website design is NOT what is going to bring business to you. Too many customers think that just because their site is pretty, it should rank at the top. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many times a very simple site will outrank a graphically heavy site because that simple site often will have more textual content that Google can easily understand. You don’t find large amounts of graphics with high rankings – ever. Optimizaiotn is key for your site from head to toe.

Attorneymegasites is here to guide you through this type of decision and give you knowledgeable, inside, experienced opinions as to what it will take to rank your particular company.

While we do focus on legal sites of all types, we are a local Goldsboro North Carolina business.  we’re familiar with businesses in around Wayne County and Goldsboro in particular. We have experience developing all types of service industry websites.  If you need a website anywhere in the eastern North Carolina area, please feel free to contact us!


Search engine optimization

SEO plays an important part in determining exactly where and how your company will be found online. As mentioned above, lots of graphics does not mean lots of rankings. On the contrary, it may slow your rankings down as your site loads very slowly and people don’t stay long enough. As we work with some of the best SEO’s in the industry, we have an inside track when it comes to building your website with search engine friendliness in mind.

Building a website with search engines in mind is a huge step towards getting good search placements.

Social media

Social has become a bigger and bigger part of anybody’s online marketing campaign. If you are not using some sort of social media at this point you are already behind. Social media does not have to be a 24 x 7 operation for your company, so don’t let that intimidate you. It does require that you are aware that it IS out there and have some sort of presence on at least the more important social platforms. Just having a friendly face out there to interact with customers goes a long way.

Reputation Management

Online reputation management is becoming increasingly difficult as new sites pop up daily. It can become very important for any business to have someone keeping an eye on these different sites with some frequency. All it can take is a negative review that goes unanswered to start dropping business. While a single negative review is not the end of the world, it’s never fun to see it associated with your name.

We do whatever we can to minimize the impact of negative online reviews, and at a minimum, make you aware of their presence. In some cases a phone call to an unsatisfied customer can resolve the issue quickly. If you don’t know about that negative review, or unhappy customer, you will never know to make that phone call.

When you are ready for your next website – and you want to make it count- Contact the experts at attorneymegasites.com – and get found now.